Muslims pioneered to Wichita in the early 1970s. A handful of families bought a small house on the west side of the city and established the first Islamic Center in 1976. By the early 1980s, with the advent of a large student population attending the higher educational institutions, the number of Muslims increased to about 1,000. Masjid Al-Noor was built near the Wichita State University campus in 1983. A modest structure originally built to accommodate the students attending the university, Masjid Al-Noor continues to serve Muslim students as well as Muslims living nearby.
In the late 1980s, with the Muslim population estimated at 2,000, the need emerged for educational institutions for the children of the now-settling Muslim families. Annoor part-time school was established in 1989 in a small house next to Masjid Al-Noor. In 1996, the full-time Annoor Islamic School was founded with 12 students attending school in a recently purchased house north of Masjid Al-Noor. Plans were initiated to build a community project composed of a school building, Masjid and an activity center. At the end of 1996, 8.4 acres of land in a prime location was purchased for the community project.
In the fall of 2000, the Muslim Community Center was completed as the first phase of the project. It included a multi-purpose room with classrooms and administrative offices to house the Annoor Islamic School. The Muslim Community Center proved to be a magnet for the Muslims and Non-Muslims alike to learn about Islam and participate in activities.
With 5,000 strong and facing new challenges, the Muslims of Wichita proceeded with the second phase of the project, building a new Masjid and support complex to accommodate the growing needs of the community. The second phase, completed in 2005, gave the Muslim community the facilities needed to conduct all five daily prayers on a regular basis.
With over 100 students attending the Annoor Islamic School, a school expansion project was started in December of 2009. Construction for the Annoor Islamic School expansion project began in May of 2010 and was completed in 2012.