Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. May Allah bless you and your family. We are glad to be a part of this joyous occasion.
ISW is honored to celebrate with you on this blessed occasion. Your Nikah can be conducted by an ISW Imam.
To conduct a Nikah, the following requirements must be met:
- Fill in the Marriage Worksheet that can be downloaded from HERE.
- Copy of court license. (Please note that we can’t perform any Islamic marriage ceremony without the court license).
- Clear copy of ID for
- Groom
- Bride
- 1st Witness (must be a Muslim male)
- 2nd Witness (must be a Muslim male)
- Bride’s Wali/Guardian (A wali must be a Muslim).
- Send the required documentsto at least a week prior to the desired date.
- After documents are submitted, the office manager will contact you to confirm a date and time for the ceremony.
- Marriage ceremony service fees are $300 for ceremonies outside ISW facility or $250 if held within the ISW facility, payment can be made in the office by cash or card or check prior to the ceremony.
If you have any questions, please contact the ISW Office at (316) 682-5479 ext. 1.